A child may only hold one Junior cash ISA and one Junior stocks and shares ISA at any time and cannot hold a Junior ISA and a Child Trust Fund at the same time.
You can however apply to transfer a Junior ISA or a Child Trust Fund from one provider to another. You can also transfer between the different types of Junior ISA, in either direction.
Junior ISA
- Transfers of current year’s subscriptions or transfers between the same type of Junior ISA must always be done in full.
- Partial transfers can only be done if they are previous years’ subscriptions and you are moving the subscriptions between different Junior ISA types e.g. Junior cash to Junior stocks and shares or Junior stocks and shares to Junior cash.
Child Trust Fund
- The whole of the Child Trust Fund must be transferred and the Child Trust Fund subsequently closed.
- The annual subscription allowance for a Child Trust Fund is based on the child’s birth year while Junior ISA subscriptions are based on tax years. When a transfer of a Child Trust Fund to a Junior ISA has been made, the child can use the full Junior ISA subscription allowance for the tax year in which the transfer takes place regardless of any subscriptions made to the Child Trust Fund in that year. This only occurs in the tax year in which the Child Trust Fund is transferred, in subsequent years only the Junior ISA allowance can be used.
We are not currently opening new Junior Cash ISA accounts, so for now transfers can only be made to existing Junior Cash ISAs.