Hay Festival, which takes place between Thursday 23 May and Sunday 2 June 2019, is an annual gathering of readers and writers, who are brought together at the Welsh market town to share stories and ideas. The literature festival aims to inspire, examine and entertain – and has a real focus on sustainability.
In particular, the Green Hay programme features talks and panel discussions with a range of leading scientists, authors and business leaders all exploring current issues, new developments and advances in sustainability.

We’ve looked through this year’s jam-packed schedule and handpicked our top five events that shouldn’t be missed.
Let us know if there’s any that you’d add to the list by sharing or tweeting @TriodosUK
(Please note that all events require tickets to enter. Costs may vary and talks may sell out)
1. Green Hay Forum – Thursday 23 May, 11.30am- 7pm, Starlight Stage
Not strictly one event, but a whole day’s worth of talks! Hay Festival is kicking off proceedings with the Green Hay Forum – six events focusing on the way we produce, supply and package the food we eat, the impacts those processes have on our planet and the ways in which the narrative is decided. Speakers throughout the day include environmental journalist Lucy Siegle, author Isabella Tree and Safia Minney, founder of retailer People Tree.
Triodos Bank is proudly supporting this year’s Green Hay Forum.
2. Dieter Helm talks to Tony Juniper – Friday 24 May, 5.30pm, Llwyfan Cymru – Wales Stage
Oxford professor and chair of the Natural Capital Committee, Dieter Helm shares his radical yet tangible plan for positively changing Britain’s countryside and ecosystems. He will discuss his recent book, Green and Prosperous Land: A Blueprint for Rescuing the British Countryside, with renowned environmentalist Tony Juniper.
3. Long-termism: How to Think in Deep Time – Sunday 26 May, 11.30am, BBC Tent
From climate change to politics, short-termism is at the root of many of the challenges we face in the 21st century. How do we employ a deeper-time perspective, and prioritise the wellbeing of future generations? Author and presenter Linda Geddes speaks to a panel from the worlds of science, governance and philosophy: astrophysicist Martin Rees, Sophie Howe, the first Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, and philosopher Roman Krznaric.

4. The Future’s Bright, The Future is Electric – Monday 27 May, 7pm, Hay Festival Foundation Stage
After more than a hundred years of the internal combustion engine, a new automotive technology has arrived. Cleaner, quieter and fun to drive, electric cars are here, and they are here to stay. But how do we get from 2.6% of new car sales in 2018 to the numbers we need to make a real difference to air pollution, and climate change? Robert Llewellyn, TV presenter, author and electric vehicle expert, Jesse Norman, Future of Mobility minister and local Hereford MP, and Mike Hawes, chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers, as well as panellists from the motor and energy industries, discuss this transition. Chaired by TV presenter and author Kate Humble.
5. Andrea Wulf – Saturday 1 June, 10am, Llwyfan Cymru – Wales Stage
Multi-award-winning author Andrea Wulf introduces her magical graphic novel collaboration with the artist Lillian Melcher – The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt. Von Humboldt was a great scientist, visionary, thinker and daring explorer – the man who first predicted climate change, who has more things named after him than anyone else (including a sea on the moon), and who has inspired generations of writers, thinkers and revolutionaries. Chaired by writer and journalist Oliver Balch.
Why we support Hay Festival
For Triodos Bank, supporting Hay Festival is a natural fit. We believe that arts and culture projects contribute to society by connecting ideas and people, and reflecting, stimulating and encouraging positive change.
Where to find Triodos Bank this summer
Can’t make it to Hay? We’re at a number of other events this year, including:
- Seed Festival – 19-21 July
- Abergavenny Food Festival – 21-22 September
- Festival of Economics – 20-22 November
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