Over the next few weeks, we’ll be regularly updating this blog with our top take away messages from each guest.

Natalie Fee

Natalie Fee

Author of ‘How to Save the World for Free’, and founder of City to Sea

Food, glorious food

During lockdown, many of us have started using veg box schemes and taking deliveries from local zero waste shops – something which Natalie hopes we continue doing. Both are beneficial as they avoid lots of plastic wrapped products, which supermarkets often stock. If your local shop doesn’t offer refill options why not ask it to? You can help the environment through your food choices by going for organic and plant-based foods, too.

Get data driven

We often overlook our data usage when thinking about how to help the environment. Natalie points out that we should factor this in when thinking about how to reduce and offset our carbon footprint. For example, every email uses energy and produces carbon dioxide. Do everything you can to reduce your carbon footprint, and where you need to offset it, you can do so with services like Offset Earth and Tree Sisters. Just make sure that you go for a quality assured, gold standard offsetting scheme.

Follow Natalie @nataliefee_, @citytosea_ and @refillhq for more environmental tips and inspiration. Catch up on Natalie's Eco Lockdown Live here

Mya-Rose Craig

Mya-Rose Craig

Birder, environmentalist, race equality activist and founder of Black2Nature

Be attentive to nature

Many of us have noticed a drop in noise pollution since lockdown began and some have reported an increase in birdsong. Try your hand at identifying regular visitors to your garden, balcony or local park. If you can, think about setting up a bird feeder in you outside space. Use pockets of time to get outdoors, connect with nature, and observe the wildlife around you. Go to any green space and look up at the sky, you might be surprised at how many birds you see.

Nature is for everyone

Mya-Rose founded the charity Black2Nature in 2016 to offer minority ethnic children and teenagers experiences in nature and help minority ethnic role models occupy space in conservation.  We should all be mindful of opportunities to make nature more welcoming and inclusive, and try as much as possible to share the joys of nature with people who might not otherwise feel invited.

Follow Mya-Rose @BirdgirlUK for some more birding tips and environmental activism. Mya-Rose's full interview is available to watch here

Sam Pierpoint

Sam Pierpoint

Artist and environmentalist

Get crafty for a good cause

Art is a form of activism and can be utilised to raise awareness for the causes we feel strongly about. Through her work, Sam highlights important environmental issues such as plastic pollution, marine conservation and deforestation. Why not get crafty and create a piece of art for a good cause. Sam has kindly published her paper turtle template so that’s a great place to start.

Embed sustainability in your work

Many of us are trying to be more sustainable in our everyday lives, from walking and cycling more to switching to an ethical bank. However, trying to make your work more sustainable is a great way to make an impact. This could be achieved by implementing sustainability policies in your work, advocating for your company to become B Corp certified, or if you are self-employed by only working with clients that drive positive social and environmental change.

Follow Sam @sampierpoint for some more crafty inspiration. You can catch up on Sam's demonstration of  'Pip the paper turtle' here


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Have you got any suggestions for who else we should feature in Eco Lockdown Live? Email [email protected].