Triodos Bank UK has been investing in renewable energy for more than 25 years. In support of this renewable energy journey, we have been partnered with Ecotricity since our foundation and we financed their first ever wind turbine in Gloucestershire in 1996.

With the industry changing so rapidly, we caught up with our longstanding partner, and Britain’s greenest energy provider, to learn more about their more recent projects for an insight into the future of renewable energy.

Read on for an update from Ecotricity and learn about their thoughts on how we can solve the energy crisis.

An update from Ecotricity

At Ecotricity, we’re doing things a little differently. We create the infrastructure for new forms of green energy – funded by our customers’ bills. We don’t have any shareholders, so we don’t have to pay dividends and can invest our customers’ money into a green future.

Investment in green energy is how we can build a greener Britain and a more stable energy economy. We have enough natural resources in Britain to support our energy usage.

It’s difficult to talk about energy without mentioning the energy crisis. We rarely hear of any solutions to the energy crisis – and at Ecotricity we know how renewable green energy could not only help us solve this crisis, but protect us from future ones.

The real solution to the energy crisis is energy independence, where Britain is free from global market price setting. This means getting all our electricity from the wind and the sun.

We can also do this by making our own sustainable gas from grass – we’re currently building our own green gasmill near Reading. When fully operational it will provide the gas needs of 4,000 local homes. Our green gasmill will be fed by herbal leys - a mix of grass and herbs, sown and grown on farmland next to the plant.

As Ecotricity founder, Dale Vince, says: “with our own renewable energy and our own pricing we can have affordable energy bills that never need to go up - if we get it right.”

Our Green Gas report shows that Britain theoretically has enough grass to make all the gas we need, not just for homes but for businesses too, enabling Britain to become self-sufficient in renewable gas.

We also work on a number of wind and storage projects, solar projects, hybrid wind and sun parks, battery storage and more across the UK. For example, in 2023, we’re working on two more solar projects, Lodge Farm (5MW) and Fen Farm II (9MW), with construction planned to start in the autumn.

We also recently just announced the completion of our two new hybrid wind and sun parks in Bulkworthy, Devon and Dalby, Leicestershire. Together they will power over 15,500 homes daily.

We only build projects that can make a genuine contribution to ending fossil fuels in Britain. You can help create a renewable Britain by joining Ecotricity. For more information, visit