A loan from Triodos Bank UK and a generous donation from the Finlay Cooper Fund have facilitated the purchase of a former community nurse’s station in the town. The building (formerly known as Unity House) will be transformed into the new Finlay Cooper Centre, and will enable MAIN to increase the impact of its work and meet the growing demand for its services.

MAIN helps people with a range of disabilities, including autism and cerebral palsy, by giving them the skills they need to live an independent life, while having fun and making friends. The charity runs clubs and services for children from Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland, Stockton and County Durham, which in turn gives their parents and carers a break from their caring roles.

The new site will enable MAIN to double its existing space, increasing its impact from 400 visitors per week to in excess of 700 and providing specialist equipment for different ability groups.

Helen Jaques, MAIN’s charity manager, explains: “The advantage of having a larger, more flexible space means that MAIN can offer tailored support and a more appropriate environment for those that we support. We can offer safe and comfortable spaces for those with specific needs, whilst providing a wider range of equipment and facilities, such as pool tables and kitchens.

“We are pleased to be working with Triodos Bank UK, who share our commitment to working for a better world. Our donation from the Finlay Cooper Fund recognises the extraordinary work that the charity is doing locally, and it’s wonderful to have the support of a lender who also appreciates the value of what we do.”

MAIN’s approach is particularly innovative. Not only is the charity using a flexible space to expand its services and receive more visitors, but it is also taking ownership of premises rather than holding a lease. For Triodos Bank UK, it is the impact of MAIN’s work that is especially important.

Rob Keegan, sustainable lending team manager at Triodos Bank UK, said: “Our mission as a bank is to work for a society with human dignity at its core. We’re proud to have supported MAIN to be able to extend its vital services for those living with disabilities. We particularly focus on projects that promote social inclusion, and MAIN is an excellent example of this: the renovation work that is planned for the new centre will ensure that it becomes a beacon for families in the region, furthering the charity’s work to reduce the marginalisation of those living with disability.”

The renovations planned by MAIN are part of its substantial ‘Big Build’ project. MAIN hopes to be ready to welcome users to the new, inspirational space in June 2021.


For further information please contact:

Ellie James

Notes to editor

About Triodos Bank

Founded in 1980, Triodos Bank has become a frontrunner in sustainable banking globally. As an independent bank that promotes responsible and transparent banking, it does not see any conflict between a focus on people and the planet and a good financial return. Instead it believes that they reinforce each other in the long-term.

Triodos Bank has banking activities in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Spain and Germany, as well as Investment Management activities based in the Netherlands but active globally. Triodos Bank co-founded the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), a network of 54 sustainable banks. Together these banks want to grow sustainable banking and its impact on the real economy substantially.

Triodos Bank UK Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Triodos Bank NV. Registered Office: Deanery Road, Bristol, BS1 5AS. Registered in England and Wales Company No. 11379025. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 817008. VAT reg no 793493383.