You have asked me to provide a certified copy of the Power of Attorney document. Who can certify documents for me?

The following people can certify a Power of Attorney document:

  • The donor (if they have mental capacity) – the donor must write “I certify this is a true and complete copy of the corresponding page of the original lasting power of attorney.” on every page of the copy and on the final page must write “I certify this is a true and complete copy of the lasting power of attorney.”
  • A solicitor
  • Post Office – a fee may be charged for using this service
  • Accountants with a current ‘practicing’ membership, registered with ICAEW, ICAS, CAI, ACCA, CIPFA or CIMA.
  • A person authorised to carry out notarial activities
  • Bank staff (must include branch stamp)

Certifiers must clearly write that they have seen the original document. They must also include their full name, profession, business address, phone number and the date they certified the document.

Please note that we must be sent all pages of the certified copy of the document in colour. It must be certified on every page, and must have been certified within the past 3 months.

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