Change of Account Operators
To add or remove operators on your Triodos Business Account, please send a Change of Account Operator form to us in the post. Please ensure it is signed in accordance with your account mandate.
You can send it using our Freepost address: Freepost TRIODOS BANK. Our freepost address is Royal Mail registered and simple to use - write it on your envelope exactly as shown (no stamp required) and your letter will get to us free of charge by second class mail.
If you want it to arrive more quickly, you can send it using a first-class stamp to:
Triodos Bank
Deanery Road
Change of business and/or trading address
Please send an instruction, signed in accordance with your mandate, to us in the post. Please note that if you are a Limited Company, Registered Charity or a Mutual, your new address must reflect what is registered on Companies House, the Charity Commission or FCA Mutuals register.
You can send it using our Freepost address: Freepost TRIODOS BANK. Our freepost address is Royal Mail registered and simple to use - write it on your envelope exactly as shown above (no stamp required) and your letter will get to us free of charge by second class mail.
If you want it to arrive more quickly, you can send it using a first-class stamp to:
Triodos Bank
Deanery Road
Change of email address for business
Please send an instruction, signed in accordance with your mandate, to us in the post.
You can send it using our Freepost address: Freepost TRIODOS BANK. Our freepost address is Royal Mail registered and simple to use - write it on your envelope exactly as shown above (no stamp required) and your letter will get to us free of charge by second class mail.
If you want it to arrive more quickly, you can send it using a first-class stamp to:
Triodos Bank
Deanery Road
For any other changes, please call us on 0330 355 0355 for more information about what you need to do.
Change of personal address/email address/phone number
Login to internet banking
Click on Self service > Personal settings
Change relevant information and follow instructions to authorise with your digipass.
If you do not have internet banking access, please send an instruction to us in the post.
You can send it using our Freepost address: Freepost TRIODOS BANK. Our freepost address is Royal Mail registered and simple to use - write it on your envelope exactly as shown above (no stamp required) and your letter will get to us free of charge by second class mail.
If you want it to arrive more quickly, you can send it using a first-class stamp to:
Triodos Bank
Deanery Road
For any other changes, please call us on 0330 355 0355 for more information about what you need to do
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