Why do the Impact Funds exclude some activities but allow revenue thresholds for others?

Sustainable finance requires choices; very deliberate choices about what Triodos Bank finances and invests in, and what really contributes to a sustainable future. This process also requires clear boundaries for what Triodos Bank can finance. Triodos Bank deems some investments, products, processes and activities incompatible with a sustainable future. Therefore, Triodos Bank has adopted minimum standards that clearly explain the products, processes and activities that Triodos Bank does not want to be involved in.

Zero tolerance and maximum thresholds
Some of the numerous resources and products that companies use, manufacture or sell are not aligned with Triodos Bank’s positive impact ambitions.
For these products, Triodos Bank distinguishes two approaches. For involvement with genuinely unsustainable products, Triodos Bank applies a zero-tolerance policy (e.g. for weapons and nuclear energy). Deriving revenue from the production of such products leads to exclusion from financing or investment. For other products, maximum revenue thresholds are in place to minimise exposure (e.g. for tobacco products). A company or activity that exceeds the set threshold demonstrates a strategic choice for involvement and is therefore excluded from financing or investment.

For further details please read our Minimum Standards.

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