Can I use my card abroad?

You can let us know when and where you are going to be using your card abroad and this may reduce the likelihood that we would block the card and/or payment.

Transactions are still subject to monitoring so your card may still be declined if we suspect your card is compromised. If a payment does get declined you can contact us 24/7 using the phone number on the back of your card. We would also advise travelling with more than one means of payment.

Use of your debit card outside the UK will incur a 2.5% foreign transaction fee and is subject to the exchange rate. You can use your card at any ATM or merchant where the Mastercard symbol is displayed and the transaction is made using either Chip&PIN or contactless.

Transactions will be processed using the exchange rate set by Mastercard.

To calculate how much your transaction could cost you use our currency conversion calculator

See our tariff of charges for full details or the Fee Information Document for more information.

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