I am having difficulty completing my identity check when setting up the Triodos Mobile Banking App. What can I do?
Check your device is fully up to date by following these steps:
- Check you have the latest version of the Triodos Mobile Banking App by going to the App Store or Google Play and tapping ‘update’ if available.
- Check you have the latest version of your device’s operating system by following these steps:
- iPhone: Settings > General > Software update
- Android: Settings > System > System update.
If you are struggling to take the photos of your ID, here are some tips:
- Find a bright area, without getting the reflection of a light on your ID
- Place your ID flat on a surface
- If you are using your passport and need to pin it open, do so on the very corner so you are not hiding any information, including the two lines of code at the bottom
- Ensure the whole of the ID is within the frame (it does not have to fit exactly and the surface behind it can be included), and that no part of is covered by a shadow or anything else.
You’ll be shown the photos you took before you move on. Check them carefully to ensure they are:
- Not blurry
- Not so dark or bright that you cannot clearly read the information
- Not covered in any part
- Fully within the frame.
If you are struggling to take the recording of your face, here are some tips:
- Stand against a blank background with no faces (real or photos) behind you and look directly at the camera
- Ensure your face is fully within the frame and the photo will take automatically. If it doesn’t, try moving your phone slightly back
- When instructed, keep your phone still and slowly turn your head to each side.
You can then check your photo to ensure it is:
- Sharp
- Well lit
- Capturing your whole face.
If you need to, you can re-take them all by clicking ‘Scan again’.
If you are unable to complete your identity check after following these tips, please call us on 0330 355 0355.