What funds can I invest in as part of the Impact Investment offering?

The Triodos Impact Investment Funds are sub-funds of Triodos SICAV I, a “Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable” established in Luxembourg. Triodos SICAV I has a Passport into the UK, enabling UK distribution. Triodos SICAV I, including its sub-funds, is governed by the law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The funds being offered in the UK are:

Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund
Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund offers investors the possibility to invest in equities issued by larger listed companies worldwide delivering superior social and environmental performance within their sector as well as a strong financial performance.

Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund
Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund provides investors the opportunity to invest in equities issued by innovative and pioneering small and medium-sized listed companies worldwide that focus on the sustainable themes of climate protection, clean planet, healthy living, and or corporate social responsibility.

Triodos Future Generations Fund
The Triodos Future Generations Fund focuses particularly on the welfare of children across the world such as child health and survival, access to education, protection from violence and exploitation, environment and climate, and equality and inclusion.

Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund
The Sterling Bond Impact Fund aims to generate positive impact and a stable income from a portfolio of bonds such as corporate, green and social bonds, and bonds issued by the UK government known as gilts.

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