How do we calculate the ‘My impact’ indicators for Impact Funds investments in the Triodos Mobile App?

The data for the indicators is collected by the investment managers at Triodos Investment Management during the due diligence process and is based either on information obtained directly from the investee (the company the fund invests in), third-party data providers, third party experts, or on public information. Where information is not (yet) available or not feasible to obtain, Triodos Investment Management uses proxy indicators supplied by a third-party institution such as data providers with experience in the relevant industry, or ultimately by making reasonable assumptions, all on a best-effort basis.

Our preferred data quality order is shown below, starting with our preference to have audited data directly from the companies we invest in and ranging down to making assumptions where other preferred data is not available:

1. Direct investee data – audited (can be both collected from investee or via a data provider as an intermediary)

2. Direct investee data – unaudited (can be both collected from investee or via an data provider as an intermediary)

3. Proxy data. The proxies used to supplement missing datapoints are based on sector and country averages and may not account for other investment specifics. Consequently, these estimates may not provide a comprehensive representation of the impact of that specific investment.

4. Assumptions on the level of exposure and/or based on public information. These assumptions are made due to the nature of the investment and approved by the Triodos Investment Management Impact Management and Measurement Board.

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